How Often to Service my HVAC

Property managers send out quarterly reminders to change HVAC filters; this is a tenant responsibility for most residences. Discuss with your property manager because some equipment requires a more frequent filter change, while some equipment may require special filters that HVAC technicians must provide, and some equipment may require tenants to clean and re-insert a permanent filter.


Additionally, the HVAC equipment should be serviced biannually (Spring for air conditioning and Fall for heating) by a professional. If there is not an HVAC vendor servicing your home, your property manager can assist in finding a qualified technician to service the equipment.

Heating/cooling systems are one of the most expensive appliances to repair or replace, but this equipment can also present a situation of urgency and legal responsibility for the homeowner if an unexpected unit malfunction occurs.

One way to potentially avoid heating/cooling HVAC and furnace system breakdowns at less than opportune times is to have the system cleaned, fueled, and checked regularly with heating/cooling system seasonal maintenance specialists. This way, the technician can identify any potential problems before those problems become a more expensive and urgent issue. The technician can also make sure the system starts up properly after a season of nonuse.

Because routine maintenance appointments can be scheduled at the vendor’s convenience and in the Spring and Fall months when their services are not in high demand, the price for this service is quite reasonable and vendors are readily available during their off-season work load.

About the author: Nancy O’Neal is a licensed realtor in Virginia. She is currently a Property Manager and Team Lead at GTP. Contact: