Team Congo - Covering Northern Virginia Homes
Contact Team Congo:
Katie McCroskey - Property Manager & Team Lead (Northern Virginia)
Katie was raised in Upstate New York and received a Bachelor’s degree from Colgate University in Political Science. After graduation, Katie began her career on Capitol Hill working for Congressman Sherwood Boehlert. She held numerous executive roles in the Congressman’s DC office and met regularly with constituents on a number of social and economic issues. Katie was then hired as Legislative Director of the Northeast-Midwest Congressional Coalition, interfacing with a bi-partisan group of 54 members of Congress. After getting married, Katie and her husband moved to Charlottesville, VA where she was a recruiter for the University of Virginia’s Human Resources Department. Katie now resides in Springfield, VA with her husband and three children. She holds leadership positions on the West Springfield Elementary PTA, Cub Scout Troop 1100, and on the Architectural Review Committee of her neighborhood’s HOA. Katie enjoys traveling, reading, cooking, and cheering on her children at various sporting events.
Carolina Swanson - Property Manager (Northern Virginia)
Carolina was born and raised in Bogota, Colombia. She graduated from the Catholic University of Colombia with a degree in Law. She taught in schools in Bogota until she met and married her husband who was posted to the U.S. Embassy Bogota. In the United States, she managed an art gallery and framing shop in Old Town Alexandria, worked in the Fairfax County Public School system, and raised three children. She returned overseas to Bogota with her husband and family and worked in the Department of State in an EFM role. Carolina has also lived in Mexico City and New York City as an EFM. She is a licensed Virgina real estate agent and currently resides with her husband in Alexandria, Virginia. Carolina is familiar with the stress and uncertainties of international moves, including managing a stateside residence, finding a new home, and adapting to a new place. She speaks English and Spanish. She has three older children, two attending college and one a practicing attorney. Carolina enjoys volunteer work, which she does in her church and a local senior center. She loves traveling, cooking and puzzles.
Berna Kublan - Property Manager (Northern Virginia)
Berna was born and raised in Uzbekistan where she received her Bachelor of Science in Foreign Languages and Linguistics. Since moving to the United States in 2007, she has gained a variety of professional experiences including customer service, retail sales and office administration. Berna is fluent in Russian, English and Uzbek. Berna is a licensed real estate agent in Virginia and currently resides in Lake Ridge. She enjoys traveling, exploring new cultures, spending time outdoors, staying active and hanging out with her family.
Daniel Shaver - Property Manager (Northern Virginia)
Daniel was born and raised in Tennessee. He earned a B.A. from the University of the South and an M.A. at Duke University and moved to Northern Virginia after completing his studies. He has taught Mathematics and Latin at local Catholic schools and lived abroad for several years in Vienna, Austria, before settling back in the area. Having experienced home sales and purchases in Northern Virginia and both renting a home locally and leasing one through a property manager while abroad, Daniel is well-acquainted with the demands of buying, selling, and renting in the area and the value of an efficient and attentive agent. Daniel enjoys singing in choir, reading, and taking care of a pair of spoiled Austrian cats in Burke with his wife and two children.
Zainab Jamil - Property Manager (Northern Virginia)
Zainab moved to the USA in 2014 and became a Realtor in 2017. She has helped several buyers and sellers in Northern Virginia with their real estate needs and also personally owns 5 investment properties locally and will continue buying more. Zainab is the mother of three beautiful young children. She loves going on bicycle rides, swimming , kayaking, local restaurants with her husband.